One in twelve hospitals worldwide will soon be at risk of total or partial shutdown from extreme weather events without a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels, according to a recent report published by Cross Dependency Initiative. This report, shared on the eve of Health Day at COP28, reinforces the need not only to combat fossil fuel emissions but also to prepare our health systems for the impacts of climate change.
LIFE RESYSTAL is developing a set of innovative tools and resources that will ensure the European healthcare sector’s resilience to climate change. The project’s recent achievements bring the health sector a step closer to taking action and adapting now.
Healthcare climate resilience strategies
In November, representatives from the Galician Health Service (SERGAS) and Xunta de Galicia (Galicia Regional Government) gathered in a workshop to identify the priorities for climate resilience action to develop a guide that will support health systems in designing and implementing a climate resilience strategy.
The workshop covered three primary themes: setting out adaptation objectives, identifying priority areas for resilience and adaptation, and proposing policy changes to expedite and bolster the healthcare system’s ability to effectively address extreme weather events.
Further best practices in achieving healthcare climate resilience were shared from 14-16 November 2023 at the 5th Consortium Meeting of LIFE RESYSTAL. Held in Athens, Greece, the meeting brought together project partners and pilot hospitals involved in the project. The central focus was to plan training sessions for hospital staff at pilot hospitals in effectively utilising the project’s tools. These tools will empower healthcare institutions to increase climate resilience capacities.
A highlight of the gathering was a visit to one of the pilot hospitals, the General State Hospital of Nikaia. Nikaia Hospital is actively implementing measures in the neonatal clinic, where they are pioneering the replacement of conventional air conditioning with a less energy-dependent, and therefore more resilient, cooling system. This innovative approach aims to enhance sustainability and ensure continued service provision during extreme weather events, such as the periodic heat waves experienced in Greece.
The project’s tools and resources will be available to help improve your healthcare facility’s climate resilience. Join our Scaling Network to help shape the project and be among the first healthcare facilities to be able to use its various tools and resources.